Tuesday, August 5, 2008

kindergarten: take two

not so bad after all! again, minimal tears from me and there was more than a hint of "would you please leave now" from my child.

the teacher is mrs. brown. we know we are going to love her. the first day went very well and georgia came home with a superstar stamp as well as a story of The Difficult Child in the classroom. that's my girl: the tattletale. she clearly gets it honest!

pictures follow. i will say that today seemed to be more difficult. juliet and i took her in this morning, and the routine was different because french toast sticks were on the menu for breakfast and she wasn't about to let that go! but waiting in a cafeteria line for the first time proved to be nerve-wracking for all of us. we found a teacher who assured her that she'd be escorted to class, and we were all set. juliet pouted the whole way home because she wasn't offerend any french toast sticks. win some, lose some!


Anonymous said...

French Toast sticks? Have I been skimming the frozen breakfast too quickly?

I love the pics of Georgia, so sweet and such a big big girl you have.

Lainey-Paney said...

Look at those pics.
Oh my goodness. I'm totally tearing up thinking about Gage going to Kindergarten some day!

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh, I can't stand it!!!