last week it was strep for the kids. good mother that i am, the only reason i know it was strep was because i happened to have to take juliet to the doctor for a WELL visit. both tested positive at that time. TWO co-pays later, two antibiotics later at $15.00 apiece, i am thinking to myself that i should have NEVER taken her for a check-up! i was directed to take both home and that they must stay home from daycare for a whole 24 hours. you know, daycare: that place where they picked up the germs in the first place. forget that! i only planned to take 2 hours off work for a quick check-up. they were acting FINE. i shoved medicine into their little mouths in the parking lot of the pharmacy, both of them wailing the whole time (told you i'm a good mother) and high-tailed it back to daycare. noone was any the wiser.
then kevin got it. he won't take medicine because, as he so eloquently put it, when he's old and sickly he doesn't want to be immune to antibiotics. that makes So Much Sense, dear. i think the amount of sympathy you get from being sick is directly proportional to how much you're willing to do to fix the situation. and i'm sick too. however, i do take medicine when it's appropriate and i think that should get me extra sympathy points. maybe i should try harder. :)
but being sick does have its perks at work. my boss is way less likely to yell for me to come into her office, and people kind of leave you alone when they think you might be germy. when i answer the phone people immediately get it that i'm sick, so they don't keep me on the phone for an hour. so i've had quite a bit of time to stalk blogs this week. i might just have to create an anonymous blog for my rants and REALLY funny stories. you know, the ones that i don't want my husband or family to read. i have some doozies. i need to totally work on that.
but, for now, i'm off to find cough drops.
OH YEAH. i registered georgia for kindergarten this morning. without. any. tears. that is a huge step for me. of course, all the paperwork was previously filled out, and i didn't have her with me-- all i did was simply drop it off at the school. but i didn't cry or even have that swelling in my throat like i COULD have cried. (maybe i was too busy coughing.) see, there are perks to being sick: you don't look like that ridiculously dramatic parent that i used to make fun of when i was teaching public school! i have been using The Kindergarten Card for a long time with my children, in order to get them to do what i want them to do. that sounds like a post for another time. it has been a lifesaver!