i have reminded a few old-timer ballet parents that they should have taken me under their wing if i was expected to play by all the rules, but since i was the rogue who made it up as she went along, noone really thought i'd do any better than i did. so--success, all around.
to the mom who thought she was doing me a favor by reminding me that my youngest child's bob was not all the way in a bun, according to regulation: "_________." (insert phrase that i don't want my children to think i say out loud).
to the person out there in computerland who has two girls, sizes five and four, who want to be cotton candy girls with hot pink costumes for halloween this year: call me. let's talk. if i never have to look at these costumes again, it'll be too soon. they are yours.
to the person who invented cheap plastic trophies: you rock because my kids think that their 'i survived year one' trophies are the cat's meow, and getting called on stage to get one is like the best thing ever.
lots of pictures, and i'm even going to try my hand at uploading a video of rehearsal. actually the pictures are from rehearsal too-- no cameras allowed. rules, you know.