are starting to catch up with me. if only i could be more careful.
why is it that i cannot seem to remember which christmas gifts came from santa, versus the ones that i wrapped up and said 'love, momma and daddy?' because i cannot. and my kids are figuring it out already. juliet told me the other day that she didn't love her new mittens, that she was wearing the old gloves instead, and i immediately tried to guilt her by saying that i had picked them out JUSTFORHER in target and she should wear them. she cocked her little head to the side and said: 'didn't santa bring me these?' OOPS.
here's another one. sometime over the last week or so, the 'what did you guys get for christmas?' question came up again from someone, despite the fact that the holidays seem like an eternity ago. they told this person, the dental hygienist i believe, how not only did they get three gifts this year like baby jesus, but that their mother convinced them to leave three of their least favorite toys under the tree for santa to take to kids that have nothing. (so smart i thought i was with this little idea. there wasn't a whole lot of follow-through in my thinking, but it seemed like such a good idea at the time. that is, until juliet emerged with three toys that i wish she'd kept and georgia emerged with three of JULIET'S toys and permission from juliet to get rid of them!). after we left the dentist's office, georgia asked me how bad kids had to be in order to just get the used toys we left. GOOD THINKING, MOMMA.
today i meant to send a very smart-ass reply email to one person and i hit 'reply all' by mistake. OOPS.
i agreed to teach sunday school for the entire month of january, knowing full well that my four year old knows plenty more bible stories than do i. this is evident in each lesson i attempt to teach. SMART MOVE.
all i do is create messes.