Thursday, September 6, 2007

i have the flu....

and it stinks! some little bug has been buzzing all around our house in the last week or so, and i thought i was going to escape it. hopefully it will be short-lived and by tomorrow i'll be feeling better.

georgia has a birthday on sunday so i'm still taking suggestions for what to get a five-year-old! anyone who knows me knows i am the WORST present-picker in america. seriously. it's pretty bad. she believes in the birthday fairy (all my fault) and has spoken to her twice in the last week. she found a quiet spot in the aisle at target or wherever and said: 'hey birthday fairy, i hope you see me and you are listening. i think i'd like a SURPRISE this year instead of me giving you an idea.' GREAT. the birthday fairy just LOVES having to come up with ideas!

how much longer till the weekend? in my feverish state, i seem to be losing all track of time. i must be hallucinating because my computer clock says 9:34 and i am CERTAIN i've been here six hours at least!