Wednesday, May 14, 2008

a little country in our cityworld

here's the garden kevin and the girls are planting! the pictures make it look like we have this huge space for a garden, but the reality is that it's just a spot next to our driveway. the beans are in, the tomato plants are in, and maybe peppers?? i don't know. i eat it, but i have nothing to do with the planting. kevin bought eggplant also. start sending me recipes. i like the color eggplant very much, but can't tell you if i've ever eaten it. guess i better learn.

threw in a couple of other weekend pictures as well. baby dylan is my friend karen's little one. he's precious and my girls love him. happy first birthday!!

these were in the middle of the night when i heard stirring-- it was well after midnight and the kiddies were rarin' to go....

first time bowlers

had we known this would be such a big hit, we would have done this before now.

side note: when did bowling get to cost fifty bucks for a family to bowl two games???

love this: just waiting, waiting for the ball to get down the alley....