is it really october? wow. i detect a lot less heat when i step outside lately, and even though it is not even CLOSE to feeling like fall, it does feel a lot LESS like august, and for that i am thankful. things are going well for all of us.
georgia loves being five and has really started getting into the whole 'chores' thing. she finally figured out how to make her bed without help and has even shown her sister how to do it. both girls are doing great in the morning with their checklist of things to do before we leave the house. they both stand there wanting 'the checks'. get dressed? check! brush your teeth? check! get your hair done? check! get the newspaper? check! make the bed? check! feed the dog? check. does anyone else besides me give out a dum-dum at 7:30 in the morning? i had my moment of guilt but it quickly passed.
georgia is counting the days till kindergarten -- eleven months to go!-- and has 4 ballet classes under her belt, and she (just like her mother before her) has already learned the art of brown-nosing. she brings miss bonita, her teacher, flowers before class, or shows her a special book she's been reading on name it. if she can kiss up to earn brownie points, she'll do it. like mother, like daughter. i rode that train my whole school career!
juliet has decided she's sick of her short haircut so we're in that awkward grow-it-out stage. too bad; it took a lot for me to decide to get it cut but i've grown to like the look on her. but she feels adamant that she needs to have braids like georgia and she has concerns that when SHE starts ballet next year (heaven help me), she'll have to put it in a bun and it must be long enough. so-- grow, grow, grow. her little attitude is coming out, and while she never lets it show to her teachers, she's a pretty feisty little thing now...WAAAY more fiesty than georgia, who will crumble into a heap on the bed if you look at her with a scowl on your face. jules has the scowls and pouts and looks of disgust that most of us hold off on showing our parents until the pre-teen years. she flat-out refused to take a shower the other night and went to bed a soaking wet mess-- but a clean mess!! when will she figure out, i wonder, that she's been given a mama who has mastered the art of stubborn-try (is that a word? if not, i like it!) and i have spent my whole life perfecting the art of being hard-headed? poor thing. she doesn't stand a chance. luckily, her moments of toddler-hood don't come out very much.
my own workload is ever-increasing but i'm trying to be better about having to attend so many work things at night and on weekends. it seems like whenever i turn around, there's a different convention i MUST attend or a meeting that has to occur when the rest of the world is off work. it gets old fast so i'm trying to adjust other people's schedules to fit mine. i hope they don't figure out my plan. :) i'm headed to the mountains to a place called lake junaluska in three weeks. -- a conference! of course!! -- and so everyone will need to call and check in on kevin. that will be stressful with me being gone overnight AND during the work week.
kevin stays busy and i'd like to personally thank whomever invented the wireless internet system and laptops. without them, i'd really wonder if i had a husband. he works a 70 hour week and retreats to our bedroom after the kids go down with computer in hand. it's a good excuse for me to turn in early as well, so it's win-win (most nights!)
we're off to atlanta this weekend. it's been over a year since we've been back (i think much longer for kevin) so i'm excited to go visit. i'm sure i'll have cute pictures when we return but i'm hoping for a weekend of hanging out and catching up.
here are some pictures from last night: