Monday, February 16, 2009

so here's the thing.

i just can't quit you, blog. i just can't quit you.

perhaps i should get my facebook time under control. i seem to find time for THAT. if i can facebook, i can eek out a few pictures on here and a little dittie every now and then.

we are alive. we are more than that; we are both employed and fairly certain that in these crappy times, it will not be either of us who loses our job. chips around us are falling, but-- god willing-- we will be okay. never have i have felt so fortunate to be a non-profit employee married to an educator. there's some job security there....

so georgia was moved into a first grade reading group today. i'm very proud and i think she liked it very much. of course, she didn't like it enough that she wanted to tell me about it. i read it in her agenda and had to force her to tell me about it. that sucks all the excitement away from me. but, she did attend a daddy-daughter dance last friday evening and had the best time. she learned the words to 'single ladies' which i find especially awesome for a kindergartner.

juliet turned five last week. being five means no more booster seats at restaurants (this makes her sad), getting your own library card (she loved that!), and having to let the pregnant neighbor borrow your double stroller because your mother is convinced that she will not have any more babies. this caused a meltdown of the largest kind. poor thing. life is rough.

kevin is happily in new york city this week, and i'm here. as luck would have it, his car-- not my car, which is sitting nicely at the airport in charlotte!!-- pretty much broke down this afternoon. i heard a noise, told juliet to look in the sky for a helicopter, but alas it was no helicopter. that became evident when the car started shaking uncontrollably. after i got it home, i smelled something burning and, good friend that i am, had a neighbor come over and drive it around the neighborhood just to prove that i am not a complete moron. as it turns out, i'm not. seems like we have a little issue with the brakes, coming on the heels of having our heat fixed last week at a cost of seven hundred dollars. the timing is impeccable, especially whilst playing single parent for the week.

uh oh. i hear footsteps. never a good sign at eleven pm.