because, at this point, i almost (almost...) don't. care. anymore.
so let's talk about the really important things.
like how cute are my kids on halloween? how much did i spend on costumes, you ask? NOTHING! we borrowed costumes this year. how fantabulous an idea that was. everyone should pick friends with same-sex children born a year or two ahead of them. it really pays off sometimes.
juliet got called pocahontas a lot, and georgia was called the sheriff a few times, but really they were just the cowgirl and the indian.
in other news: fleas. can we talk about fleas? i have had dogs up in my house for many a year now. not once-- not ONCE!-- have i seen a flea. well, i'm infested with them now. this new dog of ours scratches all day, every day, and it's driving me nuts. whose idea was it to get a new dog? first, worms. now fleas. i feel dirty and gross and itchy just thinking about it.
but, look how cute these little dogs are. guess that makes those nasty fleas all worth it. delilah is a NEW DOG since getting a brother. she's not nearly as skittish and jumpy and terrified of the world as she was before. she's even been seen RUNNING around the yard in an almost-playful fashion.
kevin and i actually got to go out the other night alone, meaning that for the small price of a babysitter (which is no joke anymore!), we got to put on our fanciest clothes (you'll see from the picture that there is clearly work to be done on this area....) and go to a grown-ups-only, no value meal kind of dinner. here's a picture of us from the gala, as we high society people like to call it:
and, last but not least, here are pictures from my office fall festival, where we host a few dozen of our area group home residents for an afternoon of, well, fall festival-ing.
and jake of course.
georgia has lost tooth number two, and the tooth fairy actually remembered to come this time. said tooth fairy scored MAJOR points by figuring out a way to affix pixie dust onto a dollar bill. now i suppose that the tooth fairy will have to keep this plan up for many years to come.
georgia transferred over to her kindergarten after-school program, and she's much happier. perhaps a reason for her irritability over her two-week school break was the fact that she was hanging out with three and four year olds all day long. i remember well what that feels like, and we moved her on up to the after-school program at benton heights.
juliet learned to whistle and almost all-the-way tie her shoelaces. big stuff now. she's reading, too. kevin and i have to be really careful what we spell in front of the kids now......they both are halfway to figuring us out.
cute costumes! cute pics all around!
sorry about the fleas. don't just spray the house---spray the yard. Have random cats roaming around? Our vet said that they are the worst at spreading fleas...
yes i have ferile cats!!!! i live in a historic neighborhood and it's like Cats Gone Wild around here. what kind of stuff do you recommend??????
The girls look adorable. I can not believe Juliet is reading. HOnest to goodness I'm still working on recognizing letters with Jackson. Good for you!
Long time no chat..good to catch up. Your kids always have the best costumes, borrowed or not, they are always so original. I love it. I still remember the shake and fries, how cute.
So what will the Plues be doing for Turkey day?
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