Sunday, July 20, 2008

t minus eight days (i think...)

until i have a kid in school. real school, not daycare. kindergarten awaits us! we have had so many changes lately-- not a surprise to anyone who knows us!-- and have had to evaluate the WHERE in kindergarten placement. we solved the WHEN problem last year and decided to keep georgia in daycare one more year due to her early september birthday. i think it was a smart move and we initially decided to put georgia at the elementary school where kevin was the principal last year (before moving up to the middle school). it's a longer drive than her home school but kevin felt strongly about it, and it was done.

then, this new job thingy has happened and i feel a bit isolated in the support system i have with the kids, outside of kevin of course-- whose school is twenty minutes from here and it isn't always easy to break away!! long story short, we made a quick decision over the weekend to send georgia (and then, juliet) to the elementary school here in town. it will make my life easier, and we all know it's usually all about me anyway. :) since she has to be in an after-school program anyway, the school bus can drop her off at the daycare where juliet is, and then i'll have them both at the same place every afternoon. that's a huge relief.

the problem is: it's a year-round school, which means that it starts next week! i have so many things to get ready. uniforms, for one. i'm loving that this school has a strict dress code. backpack, school supply lists.

it's going to be a busy week. the tears-- they are a-comin'!!! soon!


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! I can't believe sweet little Georgia will be in kindergarten!!! Time flies. I'll be thinking of you next week! I'm sure she is so excited! Can't wait to hear about your job. Let's talk soon. Kathryn

Anonymous said...

I love the Kanuga pics, they are awesome, it looks like so much fun. That pic of you with the girls is great. And the fishing, how much fun!!

We are facing kindergarten very soon also. Weep weep!!

Lainey-Paney said...

that's crazy that it starts next week.