i'm a year older. nobody cares, myself included, but i'm officially middle-aged according to my own self-reflection. (nobody else's, so don't whine about how young i REALLY am.) my girls brought me flowers and we had a nice dinner and noone went to a lot of trouble and it was all very nice-- that's the way i like it.
now, my baby is a year older too. juliet turned four last sunday. sniff, sniff. as everyone in my world knows, we only do birthday parties when it is absolutely necessary. this was juliet's first celebration of her birth. georgia had one at four years also, and now i'm in the clear until at least--the very least-- georgia turns seven. or eight. or maybe even nine. i just hate the birthday party thing. but this year, it was fabulous. i broke out my old-school tricks and we had a mcdonald's birthday party. for less...way, way less... than i would spend for a party at home, eighteen of our close personal friends had 2 hours of crazy play time, a happy meal, birthday cake, a goody bag, decent decorations, and i didn't have to set up or clean up. this was awesome! i highly recommend it. however, the key was going to a swanky part of charlotte for the mcdonalds because the children refer to our local one as the 'dirty mcdonalds'. pictures are below, but i have a friend sending hers to me because my camera battery died. i'll post those when they arrive. we brought the loot home to open, so i have pictures of party #1 and party #2.
juliet got a bike from the birthday fairy. while kevin had the wrench out putting it together, he took off the training wheels on georgia's bike. we've practiced a few times and she's getting the hang of it. in the grass. without using the brake. on a completely flat surface. only time will tell how dramatic this endeavor becomes, and i'll keep you posted.
note the birthday cake. made from scratch-- my favorite, coconut!!! it was so good. i've convinced at least one of my kids that this, too, is HER favorite cake and she now requests it on her birthday. MASTER brainwasher that i am.... but no, of COURSE i didn't make it. this was my mom's contribution.
party #3 involved a cake at preschool. another sugar-infused afternoon of fun. by the end of the weekend, i was birthday-ed out.
on february 14th, my little valentines woke up with new t-shirts on their beds. they looked sweet for about four seconds yesterday morning, so i took their picture. sweet babies. they worked so hard writing their names on their valentines, and it's fun to see how excited they get when their friends give them valentines back. reminds me of when i was a kid....
that's it! pictures finally made it up here. it's president's day and noone told me until the last minute that my office is actually closed today, so here i sit. i guess i'll use my time wisely and clean up the mounting pile on my desk. happy monday.
Sounds like a great time...happy be-lated birthday!
The photo uploader does not work if you tried to use spell checker...I know a bit crazy! So, after you save the post, go back into edit and click upload photo and it should work.
Looking forward to seeing all the great photos!
Happy weekend!
can't wait to see the pics!!!
yes, i see i missed your birthday! Jan 30th, I did not have my 2008 calendar in place until last week, so i missed all of the January babies! happy late!!
so tell me exactly, how you celebrate your girl's birthdays if there is no party. this intrigues me. we do just family really, age 4 was Brendan's 1st party with outside peeps if you know what I mean. maybe you do the same? do tell...
karen-- january 31st!! i always get left out because people think january ends on the 30th. :)
i do a cake (store, scratch, box, whatever they choose) and they pick their favorite dinner and we open a couple of presents. plus it's an automatic me-first day. (when griffin is older, i'll explain that trick so you can use it too.) it's not a non-celebration; i just hate the idea of annual parties and gifts (most of them things i wouldn't want them to have anyway...).
i agree with you on that. i stayed away from the "school friend" parties as long as i could. what stinks is that all of the other parents insist on big parties every year and brendan gets invited to them all. lots of money down the drain for toys upon toys that may get played with a few times. AM I SCROOGE or what?!
I like the idea, family, cake, a few gifts. We do that for Christmas. I insist that my family keep the gifts to a minimum, because if you buy them tons, they will expect it, and that is not what i want them to learn about christmas anyway....
okay, rant over...the point? i agree with you.
yeah, the 31st....i knew it was the last day in january at least!!
Man, your daughters are nothing short of gorgeous!! Glad to see you back hun!
Did you say that your birthday just pasted? Because my birthday just pasted too. Are we twins or something?
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