Friday, August 31, 2007

happy labor day weekend!

last time we can wear bathing suits and head to the pool. we intend to do just that tomorrow-- it will be our last chance to see if georgia will actually put her face in the water.

special note: bathing suits are on close-out at target. each of these was $4.48 last weekend. do what you will with that information! my intent was to buy suits for next year but clearly i did a bad job. they both fit now!

the girls loved them so much we have been literally bathing in them this week.

see for yourself:

have a great long weekend....


Jane Clarke said...

Hope the girls enjoyed their swimming weekend! I was inspired by you and have been painting this weekend. The last person painted laytex over oil without sanding or anything, so my work has already started peeling. yuck!

Anonymous said...

Swimsuits in the bathtub, how fun momma Plue!! They are growing up so much, those girls. :-)) I remember a pic of Georgia sitting on the beach looking at the ocean when she was just a little how time flies.